Living Out Your Aspirational Values

The fifth behavior of an Aspirational Business is to communicate transparently (which really means more LISTENING and less talking).  Now’s a great time to sit down with your stakeholders and ask them how you’re doing in living out your organizational values. 
Watch my TEDx talk to find out what the first 4 behaviors of the Aspirational Business are!

When communicating transparently, face to face is best, but if you can’t make it happen, any method is better than none. Here’s an easy to template to use.  I’ll go first:
Hey << First Name >>
As we near the end of the first quarter, I want to make sure I’m living out our corporate values (curiosity, courage, connection, collaboration) and helping you to do the same.  I’d love to sit down and get your feedback on the following areas:

  • How do you see me living out these values?

  • What should I start doing to live these out even better?

  • What things am I doing that might not be in alignment that I should be aware of?

  • What ways have you been living out these efforts that you’d like to celebrate with me?

  • What resources can I bring to the table to help you live these out?


Proving the Value of Aspirational Businesses


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