Implementation & Support

GivingSpring can help organizations of all sizes accomplish their ESG goals by assessing readiness, developing a comprehensive strategy, suggesting implementation tools and tracking progress. Each approach is tailored to your organization's unique needs, and may include: Customized ESG Report Structure and Impact Report Layout

Social Entrepreneurs know that their vision for impact is what makes them unique.

But communicating that vision, measuring impact and finding aligned investors is also a unique challenge.

Ongoing implementation and support efforts are ideal for organizations that:

  • Want to ensure accountability in the C-suite or Board Room

  • Have limited internal resources to ESG leadership

  • Want to educate and engage functional areas to innovate on ESG and social impact

  • Need an ongoing resource to provide guidance as needed

Customized for your individual needs, potential tools and activities may include:

  • Leadership Meeting Participation

  • ESG Team Facilitation

  • Recommended Action Plan & Scorecard

  • Fractional Chief Impact Officer Support