Local Impact In A Global Crisis

I've been thinking a lot lately about grand gestures. In particular, the grand gestures global brands have taken to address a global crisis in the way they seem best. The optimist in me hopes that the corporate engagement we see in Russia demonstrates a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – particularly Goal 16 - covering Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. 
The skeptic in me fears that these gestures are neither authentic nor sustainable. 
The beauty of the SDGs is that they provide a global framework with local appeal. They take the necessity of grand gestures off the table and allow us to take action locally, align with our business, support small, consistent actions - good news for small businesses that would like to support Ukrainians but don't have global influence.  
So what can you do if you're looking to support Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions in your own business? 

The actions are easy, simple, impactful. No grand gestures required.


A New Era Of Accountability


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